The Georgia Crisis

There is a crisis in Georgia. Child Abuse Pediatricians are taking children away from their families for injuries that can be explained by their medical diagnoses. Families are bringing their children to doctors and hospitals looking for explanations for bruising or swelling and fearful only of what could possibly be causing this in their child, they are suddenly accused of abuse and told there is no other explanation. Without warning, they are removed from hospital grounds and told they can go to court to find out more about seeing their children in the future. Always separated from their spouse, interrogated, asked to think of ways it could have happened, and then when they try to think of scenarios that could have somehow caused it are told they are lying. Kids are placed in foster care, despite having eligible and willing family members. Parents are told there is no need for further medical testing, despite their children continuing to accrue new fractures and swelling and bruises in foster care. Even after some of these parents have obtained medical diagnosis explaining the injuries, their children remain in foster care and they await trials for criminal charges… some facing 300+ years in prison for things they absolutely did not do. This is becoming more and more prevalent, and soon you will either be the victim of this abuse of power or will know someone going through it.

Help us stop these Child Abuse Pediatricians from practicing LAZY MEDICINE, and forcing them to run tests on children they want to remove from their families to determine if brittle bone disease or metabolic bone disease or any of these other diseases may be the cause. Low vitamin D seems to be a clear symptom these children all seem to have.

How You Can Help

Share our podcast episodes below with everyone you know to help raise awareness
Follow us on TikTok and repost our stories

Email Governor Kemp and ask him to look into these cases and meet with the families

Brian Kemp, Governor of Georgia –
Lauren Curry, Chief of Staff –

Call Governor Kemp at (404) 656-1776 and ask him to look into these cases and meet with the families
Call Senator Ossoff at 470-786-7800 and ask him to look into these cases and meet with the families

Visit You Are The Power and read the other stories and action items.

Find out if this is happening in your community (hint: it is) and reach out to your local lawmakers

If you are feeling motivated, craft individual letters to the contacts on this page who have the power to stop this crisis!

The Stories

Season 4 Episode 4 : Crisis in Georgia – The Hernandez Story

Jack & Christy chat with Jennifer. A fostermom in Georgia who is helping the Hernandez family and many other families going through similar stories of medical abuse of power....

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Season 4 Episode 5 : Crisis in Georgia – The Hernandez Story Continued

Jack & Christy continue their chat with Jennifer, A fostermom in Georgia who is helping the Hernandez family and many other families going through similar stories of medical abuse...

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Season 4 Episode 6 : Crisis in Georgia – The Whiting-Clarke Story

Jack & Christy chat with Shelby, A mom in Georgia who has similar story of medical abuse of power. Shelby is one of dozens of moms in Georgia who...

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Season 4 Episode 14 : Hernandez Family Update – VICTORY

We have an update for you regarding the Hernandez Family. An unexpected turn of events at a court hearing which was just supposed to age a review this week...

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Season 4 Episode 15 : Crisis in Georgia – The Sullivan Story – Part 1

Diana and Corey Sullivan met in 6th grade and started dating in 8th grade. Married by 21, they immediately started trying to have children. When it didn’t work out...

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Season 4 Episode 16 : Crisis in Georgia – The Sullivan Story – Part 2

Diana and Corey Sullivan met in 6th grade and started dating in 8th grade. Married by 21, they immediately started trying to have children. When it didn’t work out...

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Season 4 Episode 17 : Crisis in Georgia – The Sullivan Story – Part 3

Diana and Corey Sullivan met in 6th grade and started dating in 8th grade. Married by 21, they immediately started trying to have children. When it didn’t work out...

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Season 4 Episode 18 : Crisis in Georgia – The Timms Story – Keep Knocking

Carrie and Brady Timms are the parents of 2 year old Jameson. He started experiencing some concerning symptoms in his first months of life that had his parents bringing...

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