Speaker: Christy

Season 4 Episode 18 : Crisis in Georgia – The Timms Story – Keep Knocking

Carrie and Brady Timms are the parents of 2 year old Jameson. He started experiencing some concerning symptoms in his first months of life that had his parents bringing him to the doctor and the hospital trying to figure out. He would have discolorations appear on his body and then disappear. Sometimes within minutes they…

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Season 4 Episode 17 : Crisis in Georgia – The Sullivan Story – Part 3

Diana and Corey Sullivan met in 6th grade and started dating in 8th grade. Married by 21, they immediately started trying to have children. When it didn’t work out they turned to fertility doctors and ended up conceiving their first child the first time they tried IVF. In hopes of providing their daughter with a…

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Season 4 Episode 16 : Crisis in Georgia – The Sullivan Story – Part 2

Diana and Corey Sullivan met in 6th grade and started dating in 8th grade. Married by 21, they immediately started trying to have children. When it didn’t work out they turned to fertility doctors and ended up conceiving their first child the first time they tried IVF. In hopes of providing their daughter with a…

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Season 4 Episode 15 : Crisis in Georgia – The Sullivan Story – Part 1

Diana and Corey Sullivan met in 6th grade and started dating in 8th grade. Married by 21, they immediately started trying to have children. When it didn’t work out they turned to fertility doctors and ended up conceiving their first child the first time they tried IVF. In hopes of providing their daughter with a…

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Season 4 Episode 11 : CAP Crisis – Tasha’s Story – Part 3 

Jack & Christy chat with Tasha and her attorney, Valentina Villalobos, A mom in South Florida who has another story of medical abuse of power. Tasha and her husband had their 8 year old son and newborn twins removed after a child abuse pediatrician declared a diagnosis of abuse, despite the children having numerous medical…

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Season 4 Episode 10 : CAP Crisis – Tasha’s Story – Part 2

Jack & Christy chat with Tasha and her attorney, Valentina Villalobos, A mom in South Florida who has another story of medical abuse of power. Tasha and her husband had their 8 year old son and newborn twins removed after a child abuse pediatrician declared a diagnosis of abuse, despite the children having numerous medical…

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Season 4 Episode 9 : CAP Crisis – Tasha’s Story – Part 1

Jack & Christy chat with Tasha and her attorney, Valentina Villalobos, A mom in South Florida who has another story of medical abuse of power. Tasha and her husband had their 8 year old son and newborn twins removed after a child abuse pediatrician declared a diagnosis of abuse, despite the children having numerous medical…

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Season 4 Episode 6 : Crisis in Georgia – The Whiting-Clarke Story

Jack & Christy chat with Shelby, A mom in Georgia who has similar story of medical abuse of power. Shelby is one of dozens of moms in Georgia who had her child removed after a child abuse pediatrician declared a diagnosis of abuse, despite the child having diseases explaining the injuries. The Whiting Family (Shelby…

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Season 4 Episode 5 : Crisis in Georgia – The Hernandez Story Continued

Jack & Christy continue their chat with Jennifer, A fostermom in Georgia who is helping the Hernandez family and many other families going through similar stories of medical abuse of power. Matt & Taki Hernandez noticed a swollen leg on their infant and brought her to the dr who referred her to CHOA and within…

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The Hernandez Story – Consequences & Lawsuits

A mini episode with a continued conversation about the Hernandez story. We chat about the consequences of child abuse pediatricians doubling down even in the face of diagnoses explaining injuries – and the consequence of that is the destruction of a family – versus the slap on the wrist they may get if they admitted…

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The Hernandez Story – Coparenting & Breastfeeding

A mini episode with a continued conversation about the Hernandez story. Jennifer shares how the agency who trained her to coparent had great concerns when she tried to coparent, and also how the agency would take Taki’s breastmilk and dispose of it without giving it to her child or informing her that they would not…

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The Hernandez Story – Input from A Supervising Therapist

A mini episode with a continued conversation about the Hernandez story. Jennifer shares how a therapist supervising Matt Hernandez visits exclaimed that he is a perfect parent and she has no concerns for him. She also found it odd that noone told her any issues to watch for with Matt, despite him being indicted by…

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The Hernandez Story – The Lies

A mini episode with a continued conversation about the Hernandez story. Jennifer shares how the agency would force Matt to lie about why Taki was not present at visits to the girls, and how the agency lied in court about vetting relatives and fictive kin for placement.

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Season 4 Episode 4 : Crisis in Georgia – The Hernandez Story

Jack & Christy chat with Jennifer. A fostermom in Georgia who is helping the Hernandez family and many other families going through similar stories of medical abuse of power. Matt & Taki Hernandez noticed a swollen leg on their infant and brought her to the dr who referred her to CHOA and within two hours…

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